Thursday, May 21, 2009


It turns out that my grandfather was arrested two weeks ago and that he was released the next day and wrote a nice little blog bit about it later. I actually feel quite embarrassed now that I know but I have decided to leave that last post standing as a reminder to myself to read the dates on my comments. Also, I must say it was quite a good piece of frenzied writing. Would be a shame to trash it. What I said in all caps still stands and it's message is in no way diminished by my blunder.
Thanks everyone for bearing with me,


zorro said...

Bernie, one of those things you have to accept when you espouse a cause that embarrasses the powers that be. I am fine. You take care of your parents and your brothers, yah? You write so this more often....guys in Malaysia reads you.

Spiderweb said...

Thanks Kong2. Once again, so glad you are ok. Well, as we say here, you gotta do what you gotta do. I will do it more often definitely this summer after I get back from Israel.