Tuesday, July 8, 2008


On June 27th, I went to a meeting at Colina for the Innoworks camp. I had just been at Atlantis, so i hopped into the car, drove over the bridge and went to this meeting. They introduced us to our director, Peter Blair, our sponsors, and our mentors. Then we had some food and went home. Well, most of us went home, I went to Atlantis. Haha. On Monday, June 30th, I went to Colina and got on the bus with some people i would soon get to know and love. (Yeah right, it was only 5 days). The bus took us to St. Andrews School. Mr. Robert Wade, the principal of St. Andrews School was opening his school to the Innoworks camp so we could use their amazing labs. On the first day I met my teammates, T. Crystal Fountain, Talbot Mckinney, Alonzo Austin, and Tyvonia Adderley. My team captain was Danielle Turnquest. We had a lot of fun. My teammates were really cool. Crystal was a bit annoying, Talbot was funny (We called him Tally) Alonzo was nice, and Tyvonia was really shy. Danielle was the best. Each day we went to a different area of science. Body Expeditions (Biology), Extreme Biomes (Technology), Flight and Fury (Flight) and Extraterrestrial Excursions. In extraterrestrial we launched rockets and made robots.
Check out the video in the sidebar I found of a LEGO MINDSTORM robot solving a rubix cube. It is a bit slow but it's worth it. We built a LEGO MINDSTORM robot but it was nowhere near as high-tech as this. The second one is better!
Then on Saturday we had our open house. We showed all our parents what we did and had some fun shooting rockets into the sky. I got soaked with vinegar.
At the award ceremony I recieved Most Valuable Player on my team and my team won first prize out of the twelve teams in the camp!
Web, signing off

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