Monday, September 3, 2007

Somewhere to begin

Hello readers!

My name is Wayne Erold Bernard Khoo Farquharson. My family , friends, and family friends call me Bernard . My grandfather is the Malaysian blogger Bernard Khoo otherwise known as zorro. His blog is zorro unmasked - revealing anything swept under the carpet and unmasking the sweepers. Check it out sometime. He may just put someone you know in the mexican gas chamber. (unlikely considering he deals mostly with malaysian dunderheads)

I am a mixed kid, half Malaysian and half Bahamian, living in the Bahamas. I have two small brothers aged 2 and 5. I am 13 and I have been playing the piano for 6 years. I went to a camp called Interlochen Arts Camp, based at Interlochen Center for the Arts. The place is amazing but more about that later. I go to Tambearly School and I am in grade 8.

In retrospect, if you're reading this you probably know most of that already.

Now i may be talking a lot about myself but that is not what my blog is about. I'm just introuducing myself to my audience. I will talk about what I want, whenever I want and however I want. Unless of course it's past my bedtime or it's illegal.

Anyone who is reading this, tell your friends about my blog. People you like, people you hate. Any intelligent life that can read! Until next time...
Web, signing off


zorro said...

Welome Bernie to Blogosphere. A bit surprised that I was not informed earlier when you launched your blog. Anyway I will tell my buddies to pay you a visit and give you the traditional welcome. By the way, one blog posting per month is a bit too few for a prolific writer that you are. Message, loud and clear huh? see ya, kong kong.

zorro said...

By the way Spider....signing off is more appropriate than signing out. Gottcha.

Crankster said...

Hey Bernard,

I happened to stumble into your blog today. I'm a Malaysian like your grandpa.

Nice blogging, all the best with school and other exciting stuff!


Crankster said...

By the way, it's good that you put up an intro of yourself. I found it useful. :)

Spiderweb said...

thanks crankshaft. I hope i can meet you the next time i visit my grandparents.

Crankster said...

Sure, why not? :)