Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Orlando Trip

Hello everyone.

It is hurricane season here in not-so-sunny-just-now Bahamas. We have two storms lined uip off the coast and are picking up after one. First of all, Hanna passed through Thursday night and just caused a lot of wind. We had to pick up some leaves and sticks in the yard but other than that we're all find.

Now Ike (pictured above) is a completely different story. As you may be able to see, Nassau is just east of florida (the turtlehead) in the upper yellow area which means we will be feeling some effects of this category 3 hurricane! From MSNBC's tracker it looks like we wont feel anything but i would put more trust in NOAA which says that we will feel the effects of at least a category 1 hurricane. Sadly New Orleans will be hit full on when Ike is a category 4 hurricane!!!
(Funnily enough, one of my classmates, Stephanie Baran, evacuated from Nassau to Miami, Florida but she will probably be back soon because everyone from Ft. Lauderdale down is being evacuated!)
Enough with the doom and gloom, I still havent talked about my trip to Orlando. I went to disney world and sea world which were both very fun even though the entire time we were being drenched by tropical storm, excuse me, hurricane fay. At Sea World I went on the Kraken which is a HUGE rollercoaster that does loop-de-loops, corskrews and flips. Check out one of the videos on the sidebar.

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